One of the first posts to this blog was on the excellent Eric Weiner book "The Geography of Bliss" and after following him on Twitter for a while now now I gotta say... the guy has some interesting things to say.
Point of this post is to repeat some of his said Twitter-posted insight from the last six months...
From today, Nov 30 - link to a TED talk by Weiner!
Nov 29 - "Life is too short for pettiness or bad coffee."
Nov 13 - "Death is the Universe's way of making sure we pay attention."
Nov 3 - "The only thing worse than writing is not writing."
Nov 2 - "Most things in life get easier with practice. Unfortunately, writing is not one of them."
Oct 21 - '"A writer is person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people." --Thomas Mann. Amen.'
Jul 22 - "Writing is the art of taming your demons by naming them. That's why I've yet to meet a sane writer worth reading. They have no demons."
Jul 15 - "Silence may be golden but so is sound. We need the ambient chatter of others to cushion our own churning minds. That's why cafes thrive."
Jul 15 - "Never analyze enthusiasm. It's a sure way to kill it."
Ok, now that I've copied my favorite Twitter missives from Weiner, I know why I like said missives so much...
If not obvious already, I've put the one-word clue as to why in italics above.