Love is the Killer App by Tim Sanders is a solid read from 2002 with the subtitle How to Win Business and Influence Friends. The idea put forth by Sanders is to be what he calls a lovecat, someone who gives freely to others, and the book is organized into three sections: your knowledge, your network, and your compassion.
About your knowledge, Sanders writes that to be able to share information, you first have to acquire it. It's about books, reading lots of books, having a system to remember what you've read, and then passing on details to those it can help.
About your network, Sanders notes to keep track of your contacts, write down details about the people you interact with so that you remember. Collect relationships and then connect people with one another, follow up and make introductions.
About your compassion, Sanders quotes a definition of love as being the selfless promotion and growth of the other. He writes of the need to care, be human, and tell people things that matter which you may otherwise guard. Also highlighted is that compassion comes back; it refills those who give it.
Going back to the section on knowledge, Sanders notes to let reading be the thing that propels you, it doesn't require genius, and then you learn things, share them with your network, build out that network and help others. It's a good read from Sanders and some of the books he recommends are the following:
Net Gain by John Hagel and Arthur Armstrong
Information Masters by John McKean
The Brand Mindset by Duane Knapp
The Experience Economy by Joseph Pine and James Gilmore
Permission Marketing by Seth Godin
Customer Capitalism by Sandra Vandermerwe
The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton Christensen
The Anatomy of Buzz by Emanuel Rosen
Getting in Your Customer's Head by Kevin Davis
Toward a Psychology of Being by Abraham Maslow
Leading the Revolution by Gary Hamel
Building Brandwith by Sergio Zyman and Scott Miller
Race for the World by Lowell Bryan, Jeremy Oppenheim, Wilhelm Rall, and Jane Fraser
Differentiate or Die by Jack Trout and Steve Rivkin
The Profit Zone by Adrian Slywotzky
Making it Happen by Mackenzie Kyle
The Circle of Innovation by Tom Peters
New Rules for the New Economy by Kevin Kelly