Sunday, July 05, 2009

Blog Topics Through June '08

Well, I guess I can say that I've now been writing this blog for a full year now. On July 5, 2008 I posted "Out of Orbit (or "Too Far From Home") & other writings by Chris Jones" and have since been on a pretty consistent 12 month string.

From that time I've done about 180 different posts for an average of 15 a month or about one every other day... not too shabby. My busiest month was August 2008 in which I posted 23 times and my least prolific month was 11 which I came in at a few different times. Pretty consistently, though, I've been putting 13-16 a month out there on the worldly wide interweb supernet highway.

I last did a review type look at topics covered in this March 2008 missive and since it's now been a full year... no time like the present for an update.

Referencing back to the aforementioned "about 180" language, the #s below don't exactly total the number of blog posts done. Reason being is several of the posts combine together a book review and magazine article.

Book reviews: 42 (32 on works of non-fiction and 10 on fiction)

141 remaining posts that fall under the following topic areas:
- 51 posts: Business
- 10 posts: Entertainment
- 14 posts: Life (a catch-all category to be sure)
- 19 posts: Politics
- 17 posts: Sports
- 24 posts: Writing
- 6 posts: Heath


Taking a different view of the posts that aren't book reviews... here's the sources they come from / reference / link to:

- 36 posts: Time Magazine
- 20 posts: BusinessWeek
- 17 posts: Sports Illustrated
- 13 posts: Fast Company
- 11 posts: Esquire
- 13 posts: Various magazines (almost every case being one of the above listed)

- 31 posts: Other... includes 10 that are my personal writing ramblings and the rest from a hodgepodge of websites, television shows and other publications.

I'm not going to draw any huge conclusions of what the above #s mean (in large part because I already did posit some ideas in the aforementioned and linked to March 2008 post of blog topics covered to date), but I still am happy with the content put out there. So, you know... there's that!