Digging further into this, it looks to me that my postings don't really seem to be category driven, but rather just simply an amalgamation of stuff that I like. Sometimes it's due to the topic, less frequently from the writing quality and even less frequently from a combination of interesting topic well written about, but when I see it, I like to link to and write about it.
As to what it is about something I like, I have to piggyback on what Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said of pornography in a 1964 written opinion, I know stuff I find of interest when I see it.
Looking back at what I've written led me to three different topics that could warrant further writing on... (1) the authors I always look to read when I see their byline, (2) the very best writing I've linked to in posts and (3) business as a topic area and what subsets of business I posted about.
To the first topic...
In terms of authors I look for stuff from, I can probably separate things into two categories... those who I've primarily seen in magazine print and those whose books I look for.
So... magazine authors I look for:
Lee Jenkins, S.L. Price, Austin Murphy - Sports Illustrated
David Von Drehle, Nancy Gibbs, Joel Stein, Joe Klein - Time Magazine
Chris Jones - Esquire
Susan Casey - Esquire & Sports Illustrated
In terms of book authors I look for, I'm setting aside the people like Ayn Rand and Jack London who are great writers, but aren't going to be putting anything new out soon.
Book authors I'm interested in what they write next (along with my favorite, and in some cases only, book of theirs I've read and with the hyperlinked blog post I've done on said book):
Business: Jeff Jarvis - "What Would Google Do?"
David Von Drehle - "Triangle: The Fire That Changed America"
Erik Larson - "Isaac's Storm"
Austin Murphy - "How Tough Could it Be?"
S.L. Price - "Heart of the Game"
General (or Varied):
Chris Jones - "Too Far From Home" (or "Out of Orbit" in paperback)
Eric Weiner - "The Geography of Bliss"
Susan Casey - "The Devil's Teeth"
John Grogan - "The Longest Trip Home"
Michael Lewis - "Home Game: An Accidental Guide to Fatherhood"