Friday, May 22, 2009

Fast Company Magazine - May 2009 Issue

Several stories of note in the May issue of Fast Company Magazine...

The longest story I want to mention here is that by Garth Stein on Seattle... the Fast Company City of the Year. It's got a lot of interesting things in it about a very cool place, but I noticed it less due to the content and more because I recognized it's author as the guy who wrote the excellent novel "The Art of Racing in the Rain".

Several smaller pieces were the "Top iPhone Apps" (and there's almost certainly a bunch of new cool ones at the time this post is being written) and the two below related to the book industry.

"Blurb's $30 Million Sold Proves Print Still Rocks" is about the San Francisco based self-publishing company that can be found online at and "Shelfari Brings Social Networking to Book Reading" about the Amazon subsidiary which caters to book readers and is online at