Two completely different sets of recent pieces struck me as excellent sports storytelling in columns by Joe Posnanski for the NBC Sports website and ESPN E:60 video segments.
The Posnanski columns were "Don't Call it a Comeback" a couple of weeks ago on Michael Phelps and his return to competitive swimming and "The Oakland Way" about this year's A's team. It's not surprising by any means to see it from Posnanski, but some interesting and insightful stuff from both pieces.
The ESPN videos were both really well done with the first "Dominic Moore: Coming Home" on the New York Rangers forward who several years ago lost his wife to cancer.
The second video was "Qatar's World Cup" about the migrant labor building facilities in for the 2022 World Cup. From the employment system controlling the laborers to their horrible living conditions and all too frequent deaths while in Qatar, it's a revealing and important piece.