Sunday, February 06, 2011

Feature Writing from New Businessweek - on Glock, Apple, Google & Ford

After having my Businessweek subscription expired for the past six months, I decided recently to start reading again... and find the new Bloomberg Businessweek pretty solid.

Each issue is larger than those from the previous format and while a goodly amount of the vignette pieces I'm not into, I find the feature writing excellent. Thus far I've seen four issues and there's been at least one excellent lengthy piece in every issue.

The Jan 13 issue cover story was Glock: America's Gun and a thorough look at the company that for better or worse, has provided arms for American streets (cops and robbers both) over the past 25 years.

Cover stories from the next two issues of BW followed with looks at top companies going through changes (both intended as temporary and permanent) in leadership.

The Jan 19 issue featured Apple, With or Without Steve Jobs and Jan 26 issue Larry Page's Google 3.0. Each story provides a well written and in-depth look at the companies in question.

Finally (at least for the purpose of this blog post) was the Feb 3 issue which featured (but, not as it's cover story) The Happiest Man in Detroit about Ford Motor Company and it's CEO Alan Mulally. I've written about and linked to stories on Ford previously and am pretty well fascinated by the company and it's current (and future) product offerings.


Nothing that would be considered lyrical in any of these pieces, but solid writing on interesting topics.