Two recent Sports Illustrated features that really stuck with me both were about a subject I've previously written on and linked to under the post label "Newtown."
From the December 9 issue of SI was "What We Lost: Remembering Newtown victim Jack Pinto" by S.L. Price and it's the typical excellent work I've come to expect from him as a writer and closes with mention of the charity Kids in the Game Jack's family has partnered with.
The other piece was "A boy helps a town heal" from Sports Illustrated for Kids Gary Gramling. About fourteen-year-old Jack Wellman of Newtown and winner of the SI 2013 SportsKid of the Year award, it's a great story that also struck me as a result of one of the people noted in it. The youth wrestling team Wellman helped with was coached by Curtis Urbina, one of the subjects of the amazing Jim Dwyer New York Times piece "Running and Hoping to Find a Child Safe" from a year ago.