Some interesting stuff from the September 22 issue of BusinessWeek:

Piece on Business Exchange, a new portion of the BusinessWeek website where individuals can track and comment on specific business topics.
"Los Alamos and Sandia: R&D Treasures" about how Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories are sharing their research expertise (for a fee, of course) with private sector companies such as Proctor & Gamble.
"Los Alamos and Sandia: R&D Treasures" about how Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories are sharing their research expertise (for a fee, of course) with private sector companies such as Proctor & Gamble.
"Philips: Philanthropy by Design" about how Royal Philips Electronics is designing products to for purchase by the world's poor. The result can be both increased profit for the company and something valuable provided to the consumer (in one case a new chula stove that causes vastly reduced smoke inhalation).
"Getting Inside the Customer's Mind" about marketing research firm Dunnhumby and it's partnerships with major US retailers Kroger and Macy's.
Jon Fine media opinion piece about the website