Beartown by Fredrik Backman is a novel set in a downtrodden town in rural Sweden that's described as "a hockey town" and Backman tells in the book an engrossing story of the things that occur in it.
The main characters are the high school-age Maya, Ana, Benji, Amat, and Kevin, along with adults Peter and Kira and the writing from Backman really lyrical with dramatic kickers delivered, including...
"Sport can only give us a few isolated moments of transcendence, but what the hell else is life made of?"
"You can’t live in this town, Maya, you can only survive it."
"This town doesn't always know the difference between right and wrong, but we know the difference between good and evil."
The story from Backman is a great one about hockey, the hold it can have on people, and the either horrible or heroic actions of the adults and youth in Beartown.