Monday, May 09, 2011

Time Magazine - David Von Drehle on the death of Bin Laden

May not be incredibly timely at this point, but two good Time Magazine pieces from David Von Drehle on the death of Bin Laden.

The cover story was Killing bin Laden: How the U.S. Finally Got Its Man and from the Time website came After Bin Laden: A Stronger America. Von Drehle is an excellent writer and both pieces feature thorough and insightful prose on the conclusion to a long pursuit.


Additional note to make, though, is how annoying it is that the cover story link doesn't actually go to the entire text of the Von Drehle story, but rather an abridged version that tells readers to go buy a hard copy issue or utilize the Time iPad app.

Question on this topic would be what exactly the Time staffers making this decision to abridge think they'll accomplish? Perhaps said decision-makers wouldn't agree, but I think it more likely for someone to read an entire piece online and be interested in subscribing than they are to read an abridged piece on the web and then go somewhere to purchase a hard copy issue.

As to the notion of driving people to the Time iPad app... ok, that works for the people who have an iPad, but as great as the device may be, it's not something everyone's got.