Recently finished “Have a Little Faith” by Mitch Albom and found it a nice read.
Albom is a Detroit-based sportswriter (website here) who also wrote the bestselling memoir of alltime, “Tuesdays With Morrie” about his time spent as an adult with his aging former college professor.
In a very similar vein, “Have a Little Faith” is about the time Albom spent with his lifelong Rabbi as well as a recently met pastor in poor inner-city Detroit. Through the tale of these Men of God (but, different Gods) and his interactions with them, Albom weaves a narrative of faith, hope and impact.
The faith part is summed up well by the Rabbi with "faith is about doing… you are how you act, not just how you believe” when speaking of the import of ritual in daily life. The hope part applies in great measure to the Detroit pastor who struggles to keep his hole in the roof and no heat inside Church operating as… a Church. The impact part could pertain to either the Rabbi or Pastor, but for me, I felt it applied best to Albom himself… and what came out of his local newspaper columns on the Church.
“Have a Little Faith” definitely has a religious component to it (and multiple religions at that) and for that reason and others may touch some readers more than others, but back to what was said at the beginning of this missive… it’s a nice read.